At Peace Media

Envision Craft Share

September 2022

Me and Youtube

Me and Youtube
I am thinking of taking the plunge and adding a Youtube channel to my list on viewable content. This will be new for me and very scary as it will put my work out to a whole new clientele. By getting outside of my comfort zone and adding good quality content in a different medium will be exciting and challenging.
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Stories have existed long before recorded history, and the telling of stories has changed forms drastically throughout the ages.  From cave painting to novels to movies, stories have always fascinated mankind.  Although the methods have changed, the desire to tell and hear stories has remained unchanged, and still greatly impacts the way we look at life.
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Physical Print

Do I really need a thousand images of the cat sitting on the fence?

Things that I have noticed about prints
I've noticed that happy families tend to display large numbers of photos.
 Photos tilt your memories toward the good experiences you've had, simply because you're more likely to take photos of joyful times.

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Black and White

Black and White

The very first photographs were shot in black and white. Decades later, even after the advent of colour, many photographers—especially those concerned with creating works of art—continued to shoot in black and white. Read More…